Alocasia zebrina komt van origine uit Azië, maar is hier al langere tijd een geliefde kamerplant. Wikipedia® is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van de Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., een organisatie zonder winstoogmerk. Curled leaf on Alocasia Zebrina! Zebra plant grows up to 15 to 35 inches long. Every page goes through several hundred of perfecting techniques; in live mode. 2018. Please note: this plant is unfortunately not (yet) available in combination with the planter with a water reservoir. Two new species of Alocasia (Araceae, Colocasieae) from Vietnam VAN DU NGUYEN, THOMAS B. CROAT, HONG TRUONG LUU, CHANG YOUNG LEE, JOONGKU LEE & ROGIER DE KOK, w:Willdenowia Volume 43, Number 2, 7 December 2013, pp. Espesye sa tanom nga bulak ang Alocasia zebrina.Una ning gihulagway ni Heinrich Wilhelm Schott ug Van Houtte. Add to the productWIKI project with your own reviews and product insights. Hi ha unes 70 espècies.Les tiges són comestibles, però contenen àcid oxàlic que pot paralitzar la llengua i faringe. However the species vary in toxicity, and it is dangerous to experiment with the edibility of any Alocasia. Alocasia has a very succulent stems which means it doesn’t need that much water- better let it dry out between waterings. Chi Ráy (danh pháp khoa học: Alocasia) là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Ráy. 293-299(7) DOI: 10.3372/wi.43.43209; Links . Regnum: Plantae 2018. Alocasia zebrina. Its leaves are in fact believed to mirror the floppy ears of an elephant – hence the alocasia zebrina’s other name, ‘elephant ear’. Folia, cordata vel sagittata, ad 20–90 cm longa in petiolis crescunt. Alocasia Zebrina is an exceptionally decorative plant! The blossoms are borne on a spadix in a green spathe at the leaf base. Accessed Nov. 03 2018. Chú thích Tham khảo. Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista. Species: Alocasia zebrina, Alocasia zebrina Schott ex Van Houtte, 1963, References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. Loài này được Schott ex Van Houtte mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1863. The Plant List 2013. Hopea-alokasia, Alocasia zebrina, taas säväyttää lehtiruodeillaan: ne ovat värittyneet voimakkaasti tummanvihreän ja keltaisen kirjaviksi. Version 1. Back to top Alocasia Zebrinas can range quite a bit in size, from small plants grown from bulbs to large mature plants that are as tall as 3 feet. Alocasia est rhizomatosum vel tuberosum plantarum perennium foliis latis familiae Aracearum genus.Sunt septuaginta et octo species, quae in Asia tropica et subtropica ad Australiam orientalem naturaliter habitant, et in Oceania Americaque Meridiana late coluntur. Alocasia. Their araceous flowers grow at the end of a short stalk, but are not conspicuous; often hidden behind the leaf petioles. This page was last edited on 9 August 2019, at 15:26. This cheery little plant will happily spill over. The leaves have a wonderfully deep, glossy texture. The Alocasia is also known as the “Elephants Ear” and originates from the tropics of Asia. Chi này gồm có 79 loài, đặc hữu đối với vùng nhiệt đới, cận nhiệt đới trải dài từ châu Á đến đông Úc. Due to its origin the Alocasia needs slightly more care taking compared to our other plants but wil provide you with a very attractive plant in return. Cladus: Angiosperms 2.0 2.1 2.2; Gikan sa gawas nga tinubdan Pronunciation of alocasia with 3 audio pronunciations, 5 synonyms, 1 meaning, 3 translations, 4 sentences and more for alocasia. They do not do well in the dark and need good lighting if inside the house. How to say alocasia in English? Its leaves are in fact believed to mirror the floppy ears of an elephant – hence the alocasia zebrina’s other name, ‘elephant ear’. Alocasia in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Illustration aus Flore des serres, Volume 15 von Alocasia zebrina. Accessed: 2018 Nov. 03. [5] They are typically grown as pot plants, but a better way is to grow the plants permanently in the controlled conditions of a greenhouse. Other plants in the Alocasia family can get much bigger, but the Alocasia Zebrina stays small enough to be the perfect houseplant. Alocasia wenzelii. Alocasia iku sawijining génus tuwuhan rhizomatous utawa bulbous perennials (pala kapendhem) kanthi godhong kang amba saka famili Araceae.Ana watara 70 spesies Alocasia kang tinemu ing Asia, Oséania lan Amérika Kidul.Godhongé kang amba awangun ati (waru) utawa lancip bisa tuwuh dawané 20 nganti 90 cm ing gagangé kang dawa. 2.0 2.1 2.2; Mga sumpay ha gawas It has shiny, thick, dark green and arrow shaped leaves and a distinctive, tiger-striped stem. Just better. They should be cared for as any other tropical plant with weekly cleaning of the leaves and frequent fine water misting without leaving the plants wet. The Plant List (2010). The large cordate or sagittate leaves grow to a length of 20 to 90 cm on long petioles. Tradescantia zebrina (House Plant)Tradescantia zebrina is a particularly eye-catching house plant. Reference page. Illustration aus Curtis's Botanical Magazine, London. Alocasia ‘Aurora’ Alocasia ‘Bako Park’ Alocasia ‘Bambino Arrow’ Alocasia ‘Black Beauty’ Alocasia ‘Black Knight’ Alocasia ‘Black Magic’ Alocasia ‘Black Stem’ Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’ Alocasia ‘Black Widow’ Alocasia ‘Blue Lady’ Alocasia ‘Blue Prince’ Alocasia ‘Blue Shield’ Alocasia ‘Brian Williams’ It has its name from the zebra patterned stems and the contrasting narrow shaped foliage. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mga sumpay ha gawas. Alocasia are tropical plants that are increasingly becoming popular as houseplants. Alokasija (lat. [6] Once inside, the watering period must be reduced and the plants should be protected from spider mites or red spider attack. Govaerts, R. et al. The blades are cordate sagittate to sagittate in shape and are are coriaceous to the touch. [f] | [q ] Alocasia wenzelii Merr. There are 79 species [2] native to tropical and subtropical Asia to Eastern Australia, and widely cultivated elsewhere. Quite the same Wikipedia. Deze plant wordt ook wel zebraplant genoemd vanwege het kenmerkende zebrapatroon op de stengels. | ред. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Alocasia), rod zimzelenih trajnica iz porodice kozlačevki s podzemnim korijenjem (rizom) iz porodice Araceae.Postoji osamdesetak vrsta raširenih po tropskoj i suptropskoj Aziji i … Alocasia zebrina Schott ex Van Houtte: (Філліпіни) Використання [ ред. [4] The hybrid A. Alokazija (znanstveno ime Alocasia) je rod širokolistnih, korenastih ali gomoljastih trajnic iz družine Araceae.Znanih je okoli 70 vrst alokazij, ki naravno rastejo v Aziji, Oceaniji in Južni Ameriki.Veliki srčasti ali puščičasti listi zrastejo do dolžine od 20 do 90 cm na dolgih pecljih. The leaf blades of Alocasia zebrina typically measure 30 to 38 cm (12 to 15 inches) long with a width of 20 cm (just less than 8 inches) wide near the base but may grow larger. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 8 apr 2020 om 22:25. код ] Бульбоцибулина їстівні, проте їх вживання ускладнюється наявністю великої концентрації оксалата кальцію, що … Ordo: Alismatales, Familia: Araceae Pagka karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya. The following are the accepted species classified under Alocasia along with their common names (where available) and distribution ranges: The following are hybrid species in the genus Alocasia: The examples and perspective in this article, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0010(199804)76:4<608::AID-JSFA996>3.0.CO;2-2, Alocasia Amazonica (not a species), Alocasia x amazonica, Alocasia mortefontanensis André, Alocasia Poly, not 'Polly', Exotic Rainforest rare tropical plants, Nature Assassin: Overwintering your Alocasia,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with limited geographic scope from February 2017, Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 21:51. Cladus: Monocots Alocasia zebrina là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Ráy (Araceae). Alocasia zebrina in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. The following are the accepted species classified under Alocasia along with their common names (where available) and distribution ranges: The alocasia zebrina owes its name to the unique – and eye-catching – yellow and black zebra print-esque markings found on its stems that contrast with its lush green leaves. × amazonica has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, er kunnen aanvullende voorwaarden van toepassing zijn.Zie de gebruiksvoorwaarden voor meer informatie. Các loài trong chi này phân bố rộng khắp trên thế giới. Ang mga gi basihan niini. The lower parts of the plant contain the highest concentrations of the poison. Alocasia iku sawijining génus tuwuhan rhizomatous utawa bulbous perennials (pala kapendhem) kanthi godhong kang amba saka famili Araceae.Ana watara 70 spesies Alocasia kang tinemu ing Asia, Oséania lan Amérika Kidul.Godhongé kang amba awangun ati (waru) utawa lancip bisa tuwuh dawané 20 nganti 90 cm ing gagangé kang dawa. The Plant List (2010). Alocasia zebrina (also called as Elephant Ear or zebra plant) is an evergreen ornamental houseplant. Suuret lehdet voivat olla joko vihreät tai vihreän keltakirjavat. What we do. Alocasia is a genus of broad-leaved rhizomatous or tuberous perennial flowering plants from the family Araceae. Genus: Alocasia Just better. An Alocasia zebrina in nahilalakip ha genus nga Alocasia, ngan familia nga Araceae.. Mabibilngan ini ha Philippines. Kan wat moeilijk zijn in de verzorging. The Angiosperms (Flowering plants). They rarely survive cold winters or the dryness of artificial heating, but an attempt to slowly acclimatize plants from the summer garden to the house can help. Prolonged boiling before serving or processing may reduce the risks, and acidic fruit such as tamarind may dissolve the raphides. (Image included) by Planterinni: Jun 21, 2020 6:51 AM: 0: Time to post variegated, gold, purple, spotted all colors of the rainbow foliage by bumplbea: Oct 25, 2020 7:59 AM: 249: NEW leaves: show yours! The botanical term cordate indicates a leaf that is heart shaped while sagittate indicates a blade that has the shape of an arrow. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just a few years ago this was an extremely hard to find plant! The size of an Alocasia Zebrina. The trailing stems are covered with extraordinary silver-striped leaves, each with a shocking-pink underside. Alocasia zebrina Tiger Care & Info Guide Light: Thrives best in well lit, bright conditions, however direct sunlight will scorch the … An Alocasia zebrina in uska species han Liliopsida nga ginhulagway ni Heinrich Wilhelm Schott ngan Van Houtte. Published on the internet. Nuorodos Alocasia zebrina. Subfamilia: Aroideae Mga kasarigan. - yra 1863 - [[Alocasia zebrina|Alocasia zebrina]] Alocasia zebrina , Schott, Van Houtte sinonimas. Superregnum: Eukaryota Alocàsia és un gènere de plantes amb rizoma o bulb perenne pertanyent a la família Araceae. Plant Alocasia zebrina spadix P1110645 02.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 6.14 MB Plant Alocasia zebrina spadix P1110645 03.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 6.87 MB Starr-120522-6627-Alocasia zebrina-leaf-Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui-Maui (25050369761).jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 3.81 MB Volume 139 (= Series 4, Volume 9), Tafel 8522 des Elefantenohr-Pfeilblatt (Alocasia micholitziana) Vegetative Merkmale. Published online. Ang Alocasia zebrina sakop sa kahenera nga Alocasia sa kabanay nga Araceae.. Kini nga matang hayop na sabwag sa Philippines. four days ago I purchased an Alocasia Zebrina and after repotting it three days ago (putting hydro stone at the bottom as with all my planters without drainage), I watered it and it soon started "crying" from the tip of the leaves (guttation), but then today the leaves were almost facing downwards. The corms of some species can be processed to make them edible, but the raw plants contain raphid or raphide crystals of calcium oxalate along with other irritants (possibly including proteases)[3] that can numb and swell the tongue and pharynx; they cause difficulty in breathing, and sharp pain in the throat. Nalista ubos niini niya the poison not conspicuous ; often hidden behind the leaf base handelsmerk de... And subtropical Asia to Eastern Australia, and acidic fruit such as tamarind may dissolve raphides... 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