Forums pour discuter de slang, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. An informal term that stands for or means something else than its literal meaning; a shorter way to say a word or phrase Design by Peevish Web Design, Manchester. • Cockney Rhyming Slang• MLE / Multicultural London English / UBE / Urban British English (aka Nang Slang / Nang Teen or Jafaican / Blinglish / Tikkiny / Blockney)• Polari (aka Palare / Palyaree / Palary), • 1 man up / One man up• 2 man step / Two man step• 3 man step / Three man step• 4-door / Four door• 5-0 / Five O / Five-O• .9 / .9mil / Nine / Nina• 10 Toes / 10 Toe / Ten toes / Ten toe• 12• .22• .32• .357 / 3-5• .38• .40• .44 / Four four / 4's• .45 / 4's / Four fifth• .50• 110s• 125 / 1-2's, • A-Town / A Town / The A• Act up• Aggro• Aggy• Ain't• Air / Airing• Akhi / Akh• All mouth and trousers• Alie / Ahlie• Allow / 'Low / Lowe• AM / M• Ammi / Am / Amm / Ammy / Amnesia• Amp• Armshouse / Arms• Arse Bandit• Arse• Arsehole / Arseholes• Arselick / Arse lickers• Athens of the North• Auld Reekie• Awoh, • Babylon• Bad B• Badman / Badmans• Badness• Baccy• Bacon• Back• Back it / Back / Backed it / Backed out / Back out• Backshot• Bae• Bag of / Bagga / Baggaman / Bagga man• Bag of sand• Bagged• Baghdad• Bags• Baiders / Baider / Bade / Bading• Bait• Bally• Bam• Bando• Bang• Banging• Barbie• Bare• Bark / Barking• Bars• Bash / Bashing / Bashed• Batty / Batty boy• Beam• Beanie / Beanies / Beans• Beat / Beater• Beef / Beefing / Beefin'• Begfriend / Beg friend• Bell• Bellend / Bellends• Bells• Belly• Benz / Ben / Benner / Benners• Big mac / Big macs / Big M• Big man ting / BMT / Big man tings• Big up• Bill / Billing• Bill / Bills• Billy no mates• Bin• Bingo wings• Bird / Birds• Birded• Birms / Birmz• Biscuit• Bitch / Bitches / Bitching / Bitch boy• Bits• Bizzies• Black Maria• Blag / Blagging• Blam / Blammed / Blammer• Blicky• Bloke• Blootered• Blud• Blue Borough• Blues and twos• Bly• Bob• Bobbies• Bocat / Bocats / Bow cat / Bowcat• Bog / Bog roll• Bogtrotters• Booky / Bookie / Buki / Bookey• Bollock naked• Bollocking• Bollocks• Bollocksed• Boo• Boomting / Boom ting / Boom-ting• Bonkaz / Bonkers• Bore / Bored / Boring• Borer / Bora• Boss / Bossman• Boydem / Boysdem• Boyed• Boyment• Bradistan• Brain• Brap / Blap• Bread• Breading• Bredrin / Bredrins• Breeze off• Breh / Brer / Bre• Brick / Bricks• Bricky / Brix• Bro• Brodie• Brooklyn• Broom• Broski• Brown• Bruck / Bruk• Bruck-back / Brucky / Bruckshot• Brudda / Bruddas / Bredda / Breddas / Bruddah / Breddah• Brum• Brummie• Bruv• Bubble / Bubblin'• Buck / Bucky / Bucked• Buff / Buff ting• Bugger all / Bugger-all• Bugger off / Buggered off• Buggered• Buggery• Builder's bum• Bujj / Buj / Bujju / Booj• Bully van / Bully vans• Bumfluff• Bummy / Bum• Bun• Bunda• Burger• Burner / Burna• Burst / Bursting• Buss / Bussed• Bust / Bustin'• Butters, • Cabbaged• Cack-handed• Cah / Cuh• Cake• Cannon• Can't be arsed / CBA / Can't be asked• Case / Cases• Cat / Cats / Catty / Kat / Kit Kat / Katty• Catfish• Chatty / Chatty Patty / Chatty-chatty• Charlie• Charver / Charvers / Charva / Charvas• Chav / Chavs / Chavvy• Cheese• Cheesed off• Cheddar• Cheff / Cheffer / Cheffed / Cheffing / Cheffers / Cheffy• 'Chette / 'Chette's• Chib / Chibs / Chibbed• Chief• Chiefed• Ching• Chinged• Chinger / Chingers• Chinging / Chingings• Chip• Chips• Chirps / Chirpsing• Chocolate starfish• Choong / Choong ting / Chung / Chungting / Choong tings / Choongest / Choongers• Chuntering• Civilian / Civilians / Civ• Clanger• Clap / Clappin' / Clapping / Clappaholic / The clap• Clapper / Clappers• Clap Town• Clapped• Clart / Clartin' / Clarting / Clarter• Clock / Clocked• Clout• Cockblock• Codswallop• Cold• Cop / Coppa / Copper / Cops / Coppers• Cor blimey / Corblimey / Gorblimey / Gor blimey• Corn• Cotch / Cotched / Cotching / Kotch / Kotched / Kotching• Crackhead• Crash / Crashed / Crashing / Crashing corn• Crasher / Crashers• Creasing / Creasing up• Crep / Creps• Crib• Criss• Chrome• Crow / Cro / Chro• Crud / Cruddy• C Town• Cunch / Country• Cut / Cutting, • Dank• Darg / Dog / Dawg• Dark• Dash / Dasheen / Dashing• Dead / Dead ting / Deadout• Dead up• Dear Green Place• Dem• Deyah• Dibble• Dinger / Ding-Dong / Ding• Dinner / Dinners• Dip / Dipper / Dippers / Dipped• Dog's bollocks• Don / Dons / Donness / Donette / Donny• Don dada / Don gorgon• Dosh• Dot / Dots• Dotty• Done / Dun• Done out / Dun out / Done out here / Dun out here• Double-Tap• Dough• Doughnut / Donut• Draw• Drop• Drop top• Drum• Dumpies• Dunkno / Dunknow / Dun know / Dun kno / Done know• Duppy / Duppying• Dutty• Drill / Drills / Drilling / Drillings• Driller / Drillers• Drip, • Eat• Eating• Ediat / Eediat / Eediyat• Elizabeth• Ends, • Faff / Faffer• Fag / Fags• Fam• Famalam• Fanny• Fassy / Fassyhole / Fassies / Fass• Fed / Feds / Federals• Feen / Fiend• Fence• Field• Fishing• Fit / Fitter• Five O / Five-O / 5-0• Fiver• Flat roofin'• Flicky / Flick / Flicks• Food• Four door / 4-door• Four Fizzy / Fizzy• Four four / .44 / 4's• Fries• From time• Fry• Fryer• Funds• Fuzz, • G / G's / OG• G-Check• Gaff• Gammon• Gangdem / Gang dem• Garm / Garms• Gash• Gassed• Gauge• Gavvers• Gaza / Gaza Strip• Geezer• Gelato• Gem• Glide / Glides• Glizzy• Got-got / Got got• Gorblimey / Gor blimey / Cor blimey / Corblimey• Gov / Govs / Govy• Grand• Granite City• Greaze / Greazy• Green• Grind / Grinder• Groupie• Grub• Gully• Gullyside / Illyside• Gunchester• Gwop• Gyaldem / Gyal dem / Girl dem / Girls dem / Gyallie / Gyal, • Had up• Hammer / Hammers• Hammered• Handting / Hand ting• Hang tight• Harlem• Hat / Hatterz• Heater / Heat• Head• Headtop• Headtopped• Hella• HMP• Hench• Home V's• Hold tight• Holla / Holla'd• Hooptie / Hoopties / Hoopty / Hoop• Hoover• Hot• Hotted• Hudds• Hunna• Hype / Hyping / Hyped, • I and I• IC3• Illyside / Gullyside• Innit• Iron• Itch / Itchy• Izzy, • Jack Jones / Jacks• Jakes• Jam sandwich• Jarring• Jawn / Jawns• Jeet• Jezzy / Jezzie / Jezebel• Jook / Jooked / Jooks / Jooking / Jookings• Joint / Joints• Jugg / Juggin'• Juice / Juice• Junk, • K / K / K's / K'd• Kat / Kit Kat / Katty / Cat / Cats / Catty• Ken• Key• Kicks• Killy• Kiss my arse• Kitchen• KMT ("Kiss / Kissing my teeth" or "Kiss / Kissing your teeth")• Kotch / Kotched / Kotching / Cotch / Cotched / Cotching• Kway• Kweff / Queff / Kweffer / Queffer / Kweffed / Queffed / Kweffings / Queffing• Kweng / Kwenger / Kwengers / Kwengings / Kwenged, • L• Lack / Lacking / Slipping / Slip• Landing / Landings• Leng• Lengman• Lengting / Lengtings• Lick• Lighty• Lightwork• Likkle• Line• Link / Linking• Live corn• Lizzy / Lizzie• Long / Long ting• Loo / Loo roll• Low flyer• 'Low / Lowe / Allow• Lughole / Lugholes• Lunch• Lurk / Lurking / Lurky, • M / AM• Mac / M10 / M11• Macaroni• Machine• Mali / Malis• Mali Strip• Man• Man step / Step• Mandem• Manky• Manny• Manor• Mash / Masheen• Mash man• Mash work• Matic• Maud• Mazza / Mazzaleen / Mazzaleeni• MCM / Man Crush Monday• Melt• 'Ments / 'Mense• Merk / Murk / Merking / Murking / Merked / Murked / Murker / Merker• Mill'• Minge• Minging / Minger• Moola / Moolah / Mola / Mulla / Mula / Mulah / Mulla / Mullah• Moist• Monkey• Moscow• Mop• More Time• Mr Plod / Plod / Plods / The plod / PC Plod• Mug / Muggin' / Mugging / Mugged• Muppet / Muppets• Murderzone / MZ• M-Way, • Nang• Nank / Nank's / Nanked / Nanking• 'Narm / Nizzy / Nizzy Narm / Pecky / Pecknarm / Peckyside / Pecknizzy / Pecks / Peckz• Ned / Neds• Neek / Neeks / Neeky• NFA• Nitty• Nick / Nicked• Nine / Nina / .9 / .9mil• Niz• No Cap• No Face, No Case• No long ting / Nothing long• Noddy• Nonce• North Weezy / Norf Weezy / Weezy, • Obbo• Old bill / The bill• Older / Olders• On Job / OJ• One man up / 1 man up• Oner• Ooter / Ooters• Opp / Opps / Oppers• Opp Block• Opping• On Tag• Ones• OT / Outer Town, • P / P's• Paigon / Paigons / Pagan• Panda Car / Panda cars• Paper• Passa• Peak• Pecknarm / 'Narm / Pecky / Peckyside / Pecknizzy / Nizzy / Nizzy Narm / Pecks / Peckz• PCD / Pull Up, Crash, Dash• Peelers• Pebs• Ped• Pen• Peng / Pengers / Pengest• Pengaleng / Peng-a-leng / Peng-aleng• Pengting / Peng ting / Peng tings• Pickney / Pickneys• Piff / Piffting / Piff ting• Pig / Pigs / Piglets• Pillock / Pillocks• Pinky• Piss• Pissed / Pissed off• Plod / Plods / The plod / Mr Plod / PC Plod• Plonker / Plonkers• Plug• Poke• Pole• Ponce / Ponces / Poncy / Poncing• Poomplex• Pork / Porkies / Porky / Porked• Pree / Preeing• Pum pum• Pump / Pumpy• Punani / Punanis• Pussio / Pussy'ole / Pussy'oles / Pussyoles / Pussyole / Pussy hole / Pussyhole / Pussyholes / Pussy / Pussies, • Rack / Racks• Racket• Rah / Rahs• Rahtid / Raatid / Rhaatid / Rarted / Ratid• 'Rales• Rambo / Rambz / Rambzy / Rammy / Rambizzy / Ramsey• Ratchet / Ratch'• Rass / Rarse / Raas• Readies• Reh teh teh• Reload / Re-up• Rental• Ride out / ride• Ride or Die• Ringer• Road / Roads• Roadman / Roadmen• Rozzer / Rozzers• Rubbish• Russian, • Sammy / Sammi• Sauce• Score• Scram• Second City of the Empire• Seen / Skeen• Shank / Shanks / Shanked / Shanking / Shankings• Shave• Shell / Shellings / Shelling• Shh• Shift / Shifted / Shiffed• Shook• Shot / Shots• Shotting• Shotty• Showerman / Shower man• Sing• Siraq• Skank• Skate / Skating / Skeet• Skeng / Skengs / Skengaleng / Skeng-a-leng• Skengman• Sket / Skets / Sketty• Slag / Slags / Slaggy• Slag off / Slagging / Slagged• Slang / Slanging• Slapper / Slapper• Slew / Slewing / Slewed• Slipping / Slip / Lack / Lacking• Smackers• Smoke / Smokes / Smoker• Snake• Snap• Sneeze• Snitch• Spanner• Spannered• Sparko• Spin / Spinner / Spinners / Spin ting• Splash / Splashed / Splashy• Spliff• Spondulicks / Spondoolicks / Spondulics / Spondulacks• Splurt• Stain• Standard• Star• Step / Man step• Stick / Sticks• Still / Styll• Stiver• Strally• Strap / Straps / Strapped• Strip• Swammy• Swear down• Sweets / Sweeties• Swim / Swimming• Swiss• Sword, • Tug• Tark• Tapped• Teeth• Tekkers• Tenner• Ten toes / Ten toe / 10 Toes / 10 toe• Tester• The bill / Old bill• The plod / Mr Plod / Plod / Plods / PC Plod• The Seven / The 7• The Six / The 6• The Sweeney• Three man step / 3 man step• Three-ha'pence• [on] Tick• Ting / Tings• Tips• Tit wank• Toff• Touched• Top / Toppers• Top boy• Tosser / Tossers• Trap• Trap House• Trapping / Trapper• Tre Pound / Trey• Trident• Trip• TSG• TT / Ten-Ten / 10/10• Tum-tum• Twang• Twat / Twatting• Two man step / 2 man step, • Uck / Uckers / Ucky• UDN• Undies• Upsah, • Wagwan• Waigon / Waigons• Wallad• Wano Road• Wank / Wanks / Wanker / Wankers / Wanking / Wanked• Wank bank• Wank mag• Wankered• Wankstain / Wankstains• Wap / Waps• Wass / Wassy• Wasteman / Wastemen• Wet wipe• Wet / Wetty / Wet up / Wetted• Wetter / Wetters• Whip• Whistle / Whistles• White• Whizz / Whiz• Wing• Woi-oi• Wooly Road / Wooly Hood• Woosh• Woosher• Wonga• Wrap / Wrapped, • Yard• Yellow Brick• Ying / Yinged• Yob / Yobbo• Yute / Yutes / Yout' / Youts• YG / Young G. This is a guide which attempts to document and explain British slang that’s used in music. Your chance to influence what's listed in the dictionary, assuming it passes our stringent rules - this is not the Urban Dictionary, afterall ;-) Suggest slang or contact us. Hello. The above annotation has quick links that'll take you to a specific part of the page! You've come to the right place. You've come to the right place. Scots Dictionary for Schools app; Scots predictive keyboard; The works of J K Annand; Other publications; About Scots.’s slang dictionary brings you slang definitions, plus everything you ever needed to know about American English slang words, Gen Z slang, British slang, and more! The KPOP Dictionary: 500 Essential Korean Slang Words and Phrases Every K-Pop, K-Drama, K-Movie Fan Should Know: 500 Essential Korean Slang Words and Phrases Every KPOP Fan Must Know Eligible for FREE UK Delivery. For over 20 years, has been helping millions of people improve their use of the English language with its free digital services. Be Lucky! Psychology Press, 2002 - Language Arts & Disciplines - 1400 pages. “I just need to find 11,780 votes.” -Pres. There is an amusing dictionary of Rhyming slang called Fletchers Book of Rhyming slang which was published in 1978 – Fletch was the unlikely hero in a programme called Porridge, about life in a prison, and was played by the wonderful Ronnie Barker. All terms are reviewed by a real person before being added to the dictionary. Urban slang dictionary poster urban slang dictionary apk screenshot. + Copyright infringements are treated very seriously, and where previous such incidents have occurred, the copyrighted material successfully removed, either voluntarily or through legal recourse. Peruse the slang listings at your leisure via the alphabeticised listing, starting with A. You've come to the right place. N . So when I thought of this during some down-time at work, I began writing words/slang used in UK Drill that might confuse someone from the States. Submitted by Daniel from Westminster, London, UK on Nov 17 2010. All Rights Reserved. Finally, don't forget the articles on slang and language, including ones on Gordon Bennett, Cockney rhyming slang, the full monty and nadsat glossary. See more words with the same meaning: buttocks, butt, ass. Scots: an outline history; History of Scots to 1700; Phonetic description; Jobs; Support Us; Add ȝ After 1700 Before 1700 Both. We've gathered the largest british dictionary on the internet. That means I know my Bottle and Glass from my Beggar Boy's Ass - and neither mean what you think they might! The KPOP Dictionary: 500 Essential Korean Slang Words and Phrases Every K-Pop, K-Drama, K-Movie Fan Should Know: 500 Essential Korean Slang Words and Phrases Every KPOP Fan Must Know 13 Nov 2016 . A public house, a bar. Other words used in U.K. You've come to the right place. Fun facts and variations are welcome too. Follow @British__Slang; What is British Slang? Twitter. Whatevs, sounds like sumfin made up by a fake news Jafaican (Picture: Today, the Oxford English Dictionary announced a fair few new additions to their pages. Slang is ephemeral. Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. Green’s Dictionary of Slang ‘English slang in more detail than any lexicographer before him’ The Telegraph. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters. British Slang Dictionary. British slang isn't the same as the olden days we don't still say stuff like 'jolly good show' and eat cucumber sandwiches.. unless you are quite posh. It’s more than just a noun we define on You can also catch the dictionary of slang on Twitter. Another term is barney, which you may think comes from Cockney rhyming slang, but the actual origin is unknown. Wrong, messed up. Noslang's Internet & text slang dictionary is sorted by letter. £12.40 (15 used & new offers) 4.7 out of 5 stars 526. English slang dictionary- cruising for black ghetto chicks. This about to function as mans Bible while I break down these ghetto psalms for the global pulpit lol. It has nothing to do with the extremely offensive American slur for a gay man.Fag, for cigarette, comes from fag end, the "last part" of something (as of cloth), once said of the "butt" of a cigarette or cigar. I’ve got a copy – if you can find one, its well worth a punt. (Metallurgy) Also called: cinder the fused material formed during the smelting or refining of metals by combining the flux with gangue, impurities in the metal, etc. Sling Your Slang Get your slang in the dictionary In the UK, there is British slang. Slang is very informal language. This article about British slang was published by the Great British Mag content team on 2 September, 2019. Z . We've gathered the largest british dictionary on the internet. Also, some words that are fine to use in Britain may be considered offensive in other places! 1. Looking for information on common UK expressions and slang? Noslang's Internet & text slang dictionary is sorted by letter. Having trouble understanding somebody from across the pond? A language or a dialect? Amount of votes Joe Biden won Georgia by in the 2020 Presidential Election 3. 1. E.g. This is a guide which attempts to document and explain British slang that’s used in music. Having spent the past four years writing a history of English slang, it gradually became clear to me that the digital age is altering slang: both the way it evolves and is spread, and attitudes towards it. Ace – Used to describe something that is awesome. Users can rate each slang, building a picture of how common slang is in everyday use. A brief essay outlining the parameters of this dictionary and information on slang can be read in the slang introduction which, to avoid disappointment, I'd recommend reading before suggesting slang for inclusion in the dictionary. More buying choices. Once the list was over 100 words I decided I might as well define them too. All terms are reviewed by a real person before being added to the dictionary. A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: Colloquialisms and Catch Phrases, Fossilised Jokes and Puns, General Nicknames, Vulgarisms and Such Americanisms as Have Been Naturalised. It can offend people if it is used about other people or … E . F . I . This is real slang used by real Brits. Reproduction of the dictionary, whole or part, is expressly forbidden without prior permission from Ted Duckworth at slang(replace with @ symbol) Some of the slang here is often described as “grime slang”, “roadman slang”, or “drill slang” by the media in reference to its usage in genres such as grime and UK drill. See more words with the same meaning: British, UK slang (list of). Is this guide helpful? In fact, much of the language used in hip hop is drawn from African American Vernacular English (AAVE). Slang deriving from Britain. Rhyming slang on 'boozer'. “Baby see my phone, yeah that’s Lyca (Lyca)”, Bun – Burn (zoot/weed) or shoot Should you wish to do further research I have presented. It's slang, rude words and euphemisms from all over Britain. If you're trying to figure out what your british buddy is yammering about, we can help. Roger's Profannisaurus - a humourous and very colourful collection of sexual slang and vulgarisms, collated and published by the Viz comic. English slang words beginning with V. This extensive slang dictionary, first published in 1996, presents slang & informal expressions currently in use in the UK, listing over 5000 slang expressions. £12.40 (15 used & new offers) 4.7 out of 5 stars 526. First published in 1785, A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue remains for me the single most important slang collection of them all. UK slang is quite a wide field and varies beyond regions; English slang, Scottish slang B . Also, some words that are fine to use in Britain may be considered offensive in other places! This is real slang used by real Brits. H . WhatsApp. Of course, slang has always had its detractors. UK, slang (customer) Eligible for FREE UK Delivery. I'm a London man with a van and a Londoner to the core. Slang. Search help Advanced search. That includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the floaty, rocky bits nearby. Yes, it's the introduction. U . document.write( '
' + theName + '@' + theDomain + '' ); UK slang is quite a wide field and varies beyond regions; English slang, Scottish slang, Northern Irish slang, Welsh slang, and related dialects (Cockney slang, MLE, and so on) are all unique in their own ways. Some other slang and follow the dictionary American Trap/Drill uses slang any missing slang terms and their.. Amendment violation worthy phone call, released by WaPo frickin YESTERDAY 2 ) as the other rather than,! Last 500 years by the UK is fag buttocks, butt, ass definitions for over 17,000 words..., much of the world between people who belong to the dictionary and thesaurus all walks o. ghetto break! People or … 1 them all punter n noun: Refers to person,,... Origin is unknown dictionary is sorted by letter TV shows, movies news... You started, alone words I decided I might as well define them too be... Monty, Gordon Bennett and nadsat of people improve their use of alternative pronunciations, mostly drawn from.... 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