She only gives me Animal Extermination jobs, where some idiot farmer can't get rid of the wolf in his house, or go kill a troll, etc. Everquest Item Information for Totem of Fear. I Completed 2 more random Animal Extermination Quests then was offered the 2nd Hircine Totem Quest while in the basement. I did the first Totem of Hircine quest with Aela (Totem of the Hunt). This is probably a silly question, but you have finished the main Companions quest line, right? I keep asking Aela the Huntress for work … I can't get Aela to give me the third Totems of Hircine quest. I'm not married to her and I haven't cured my lyncanthropy, … The Totems of Hircine quests are available after becoming Harbinger of The Companions or marrying Aela. If you installed the patch on an already bugged save for some reason, the issue may not fix retroactively. TheEpicNate315 Recommended for you It's easy. Hircine… I've done several radiant quests for Aela, but the option for the next Totem quest isn't popping up. … Sooooo i MAY be stuck in a glitch, because i KNOW this quest is given to you by Aela the Huntress, but all she does is try … It says the next quest is that. Retrieve the Totem of Hircine. How do I get her to give me the quest for Totems of Hircine? I've done about 800 of these quests. Hircine - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wiki Guide - IG . I HATE it when false fans think that The Elder Scrolls 6 will suck. How to make the guards to stop attacking me. Just for the sake of reference: I was in Whiterun and used Breezehome as the building. I just had to do the exit-reenter thing with a new character before she would give me the quest, even with the mod active. Totems of Hircine is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. aela's "totems of hircine" quests wont start for me, despite the fact that im both a companion and a werewolf. Attempting to setstage CR12 to any value or startquest CR12 does nothing and using sqs CR12 I can see that all stages are at 0. So, i went to the Underforge to look if the artifact/totems were in there, and there was only one and it was the Totem of the Hunt. It's a quest that almost as easy to break as Blood on the Ice. This video is unavailable. I went … Since the Dawnguard DLC came out, I got the perk to summon werewolves when i howl, but the problem is I dont have any of the totems of hircine, before the dlc came out ive been doing countless quests for the leaders of the companions and still i dont get the option to do those quests from Aela, anyone know how to … These Totems of Hircine are small golden objects which are used to worship Hircine. If you accept the quest, she will become your Shield-Sister and will replace your current companion. #3. MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM PLACEABLE Slot: RANGE AC: 12 This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls. … Why won't Aela give me the quest? Radiant quests select a random dungeon as the target location. Stand outside of a building and drop the ring on the ground. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Head to the place indicated on your map and enter the dungeon. I've completed the companions main storyline now -----Minor Spoiler?----- Now I'm their leader, do I have to talk to somone to start this quest or what? » Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:27 pm . Totems of Hircine Aela bug? Aela has discovered the location of one of the Totems of Hircine. Right I've done all of the Stormcloak quests right up until you have to attack Solitude and I previously did all of the Companions missions before any of the Stormcloaks, but now I've got the Totems of Hircine quest, Jorrvaskr and the Underforge now require a key and I can't get in. Not sure if it's the same for everyone else, but i hope this get workin. Can i release serena from service and get back after a quest? The … Thanks! I've completed the Companions questline. ive tried to fix it in every way i know how but to no avail (side note, im on xbox one). Journey to the location given by Aela and kill the enemies lurking around. Have you had Aela as a follower while not on a quest for the totems? There are three Totems that may be found: Totem of the Hunt, a thigh bone … If after saying you have done it you don't get the "any work to be done" option reload and see if it comes up next time. at one point a glitch from another mod made me lose my werewolf power, but i talked to aela and she gave it back, so according to the game i am a werewolf again. Actually I was at this [] page. Seems you misread - "Totems of Hircine" doesn't enter into random quest list until after the completion of "Glory of the Dead". These totems are found around Skyrim and brought back to the Underforge as part of the quest Totems of Hircine.. Aela prays to the Totem. Stopping that quest with stopquest cr11 will allow me to receive Animal Extermination and Pelt Collection from Cutting Room Floor but still not Totems of Hircine (CR12). ive done atleast 20 of her generic quests so i know i should have gotten a totem quest by now. User Info: Veezara. Watch Queue Queue The quests are available through Aela the Huntress . Skyrim: How do I start the "Totems of Hircine" quest? The … The questline revolves around recovering three distinct totems from three different dungeons. Gathering the Totems of Hircine a radiant quest. Other than that, I can't think of any reason why she wouldn't be giving the quests, assuming you've been using the patch the whole time. After finishing the Companions quest line, Aela is supposed to offer a quest to locate the Totems of Hircine, objects that enhance your werewolf howls. The quest will be offered, yet the shaman will only have two totems, fire and earth. will prompt her to tell you about the Totems of Hircine. Aela will accompany you for this quest. Example locations: Darkshade Falkreath Watchtower Cragwallow Slope The Totem will always … Aela of the Companions seeks these Totems so that she may show proper reverence. Using setstage doesn't do anything. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Anybody else having trouble or is it working fine? I keep getting the message to talk to the leaders of the companions but all I get is dragon hunting, intimidation or beast hunting quests. She wishes to recover them so that they may be kept safe and proper worship to Hircine be done. Dammit Bethesda. I have done at least 20 of these and they haven't repeated, but no Hircine quests. Retrieve the Totem of Hircine . Joined: Sep 2, 2013 Messages: 8 Likes Received: 0 Reputation: 0 Hey, I was up to the last totem in bloodlet throne and I picked it up and Aela spoke to me, but it was just her normal dialogue about archery training and asking if there was any work available. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Walked back to Whiterun before realizing so there's no autosave anywhere before hand either..... Was this reply helpful? Second totem of hircine quest glitched and Aela the huntress disappeared I need help. She will say that she has located one and would be honored if you go with her to retrieve it. If you accept the quest, she will become your Shield-Sister and will replace your current companion. will prompt her to tell you about the Totems of Hircine. I was looking over at and found that the quest Totems of Hircine should follow after Retrieval. I'm still a werewolf, never tried to cure myself. Pick the ring up off the ground and then put it on. Except she usually doesn't, because the chance of that dialog showing up seems to be random (or possibly just broken), so you end up endlessly doing Animal Extermination quests instead, hoping she'll eventually offer a Totem quest … please help! The UESP page for this quest offers this advice if you take this quest and can't see the map marker: If Dragonborn is installed, some radiant locations may be on Solstheim. So i keep hearing about this totems of hircine quest given to you by aela after the main companions quest is done. Go inside the building then turn right around and head out. I will throw out there that I did marry Aela the Huntress … Skyrim: 5 Secret Choices You Didn’t Know You Had in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Duration: 14:39. Totems of Hircine [PC] I've been doing my best to research a way to fix the "Totems of Hircine" quest, given by Aela after completing the companions quests, but I have been getting so many different results (That haven't helped) I'm not very sure what to do anymore, or … Great! it wouldnt let me select "bug tracker" like the mod description says. aela's "totems of hircine" quests wont start for me, despite the fact that im both a companion and a werewolf. :L Because I really want the reward it adds.. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. yea i have :/ im definitely the harbinger. GT: Dr Nick 1971 . Thanks for your feedback. As told by a GM, the "problem is known by developers and a fix will be issued at a later patch." Skyrim with Totem of Hircine Quest. ive done atleast 20 of her generic quests so i know i should have gotten a totem quest by now. I think I might not have licked this problem after all. I've done about six animal quests waiting to get the last Totem quest. She won't give you the totems quests until you are. To further add to the unusual nature of this, I moved her to both locations as a follower.-- Landomatic 06:08, 1 February 2013 (GMT) I … I was looking over at and found … I have completed all the companion quests but I can't get the Totems of Hircine quest to start. So this problem is all over the internet and nobody seems to have successfully fixed it, at some point when you're doing the companions quest line something f^cks up and you can't continue the quest line. Totems of Hircine glitch - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: So here's the long and short. Why can't I get into Castle Volkihar after freeing Serena? Teach me the ways of the secular flesh. Aux termes du dialogue, entrez dans les baraquements de la ville et discutez avec Sinding (image4-5).Celui-ci vous parlera de sa malédiction et vous remettra l’anneau d’Hircine (image6).Attention, cet anneau maudit ne peut pas être retiré de votre équipement et, si le sang de la bête coule dans vos veines, vous avez 10% de chances de vous transformer en Loup-garou à … Journey to the location given by Aela and kill the enemies lurking around. Totems of Hircine Quest *Spoiler* ... Also i noticed it's not called Totem of Hircine it's just called Werewolf Totem. I selected another quest to do, those markers showed up, so I did a few other quests thinking it would pop up and they haven't. I've only ever had her as a follower on the Companions quests where she was a required part. What am I doing incorrectly? Watch Queue Queue. Hopefully, I'll get the Brotherhood totem. Something about finding 3 totems and bringing them to the underforge to pray to, unlocking a new werewolf power with each one. That totally worked. Anyone know any fixes? Became unable to get the quests for the totems with that character. Had just gone in to get a Glenmoril Witch head because I … I'm stuck with Aela and can't get rid of her until I finish the quest but have nowhere to go to actually complete the quest. I've tried every soloution to those with similar problems I can find but most rely on … Answer Save. 1 … Yes No. So, I picked up the Totems of Hircine quest from Aela, and the quest markers aren't there. I went to the underforge and tried to place it but couldn’t so j thought maybe I need to talk to Aela. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Totems of Hircine quest help.. SPOILERS". I'd really like to get this quest done. But I realized that even though she was following me the entire … maybe that screwed something up, idk... You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Thanks! You should now have the 'Ring of Hircine' power showing up again. Sign up for a new account in our community. Then another animal quest, then another Totem quest. ps: sorry if i didnt do this correctly. If you are in … Dammit Shadowmere. I am a werewolf at the moment, managed to complete the two radiant quests for Aela after Skjor's death, "Stealing Plans" and "Retrieval" . please help! Totems of Hircine Skyrim Quest Help!? By So I went to do the second totem of hit one quest and when I finished the quest wasn’t complete even though I had the totem. Could try reloading as you enter Jorvaskar to turn in a quest. and thank you all for your hard work. It's a quest that almost as easy to break as … Whatever you found on google is unlikely to also be the location selected by your game. I have … Totem of Hircine quest bug? and thank you all for your hard work. Every time I talk to her she just gives me animal extermination quests, and I must have done about a dozen of them so far. I really want the Totem of Brotherhood. She will say that she has located one and would be honored if you go with her to retrieve it. I am playing on the Xbox 360. Sorry this didn't help. ive tried to fix it in every way i know how but to no avail (side note, im on xbox one). Ok, so initially i thought i hadn't done this quest yet because as a werewolf i didn't have the Totem of Brotherhood or the Totem of the Hunt, but then i looked at my quest log and saw that I had done it. Go away and stop following me! juwlesish, Veezara 6 years ago #2. ps: sorry if i didnt do this correctly. I've tried leaving Whiterun and waiting a few days but she still won't give it to me. May 5, 2020 in Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. To me, this sounds like it's a "by design" choice that's either slightly buggy (eg, animal quest chance is too high) or at the very least, not well thought out..X chantelle .x Smith Posts: 3399 Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:25 pm » Wed May 23, 2012 5:32 pm . I'm on the third totem quest with Aela and for some reason the location marker for the totem is in the dining hall in jovaskor and nothing I do can get it to move or abandon it. I don't ever use followers. This quest is not working as of the patch of this comment. I once had her and used her for free archery training. When upstairs, she did not offer the totem quest. Obiviously I saved and loaded into both locations for testing. ! Even then, I wouldn't expect radiants to appear in any particular order. Aela prays to the Totem. Discussion in 'Skyrim Help' started by yousuck, Sep 2, 2013. yousuck Member. Guards to stop attacking me Hircine Aela bug - the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Duration 14:39! 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