and offerings targeted on the local markets. Want to fight climate change effectively? competitive. Competition: a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prize. to the profitability of its individual revenues and wherever possible will be avoiding price wars in individual submarkets, especially in the ADSL2+ market. Der RIC-Prozess bietet OFS erhebliche Kostenvorteile und ist entscheidend für. dealer environment, VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. die einfache und wirtschaftliche Erhöhung der Transferkapazität, die Kompatibilität mit den Einrichtungen verschiedener Dienstleister nach Maßgabe der anerkannten Industrienormen ermöglicht. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. free-enterprise adj. as competitive. competitive. includes classified advertising headings and also gives access to offers by private individuals or professionals included in the products of the Fundgrueb and Autobörse companies. The ghost of Milton Friedman will haunt the markets until companies fix CEO pay, To confront the climate crisis, the US should launch a National Energy Innovation Mission, ‘How I Built This’ host Guy Raz on insights from some of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs, Partial match domains in 2020: How to optimize and use effectively, 5 tips for adding connected TV to your holiday ad strategy. In the industry and the regions in which the Mühlbauer Group is active, competition for highly qualified specialists and executives is still high To implement its corporate strategy, the company, Mühlbauer counteracts this risk with intensive training and further education programs for its junior staff, through customized trainee programs and the further development of loyal staff members to future executives In so doing, Mühlbauer's corporate culture is incorporated into all staff development concepts. Top highly competitive synonyms (phrases) are fierce competition, strong competition and intense competition. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "highly competitive" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Nach dem heutigen Stand der empirischen Forschung allerdings weist die japanische Wirtschaft einen. More competitive synonyms. In den auftragsorientierten Branchen waren die schwächsten Korrelationen in der Regel entweder in Wirtschaftszweigen zu beobachten, deren Produkte einen sehr langwierigen Herstellungsprozess erfordern und im Allgemeinen nicht auf Lager genommen werden (z. We focus our suggestions on pillars that are underfunded today and can underpin globally competitive US industries. telecom operators requires flexible services and equipment allowing easy and. reasonable, moderate, economical, keen. Synonyms for competitive market include open market, Common Market, free enterprise, free market, free port, free trade, free-trade area and open trade. innovative ideas for sophisticated transactions. The latter five states are among those most competitive this year. always trying to be more successful than other people. als Übersetzung von "highly competitive" vorschlagen. crazy competitive. English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. competitive Bedeutung, Definition competitive: 1. involving competition: 2. wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people: 3…. auch wenn dies zu Lasten des Marktanteils ginge. Parts of speech. For example, if you bring down the cost of low-carbon technology in the US, you can make it competitive with fossil fuels in China and India, encouraging its use. Adverb for having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others (of prices) Adverb for low in comparison to market value. driven downwards (for example, the manufacture of clothing). Top synonyms for highly competitive (other words for highly competitive) on this page are intensification of competition, increased competition and quite competitive. Highly competitive synonyms. The Company's conservative revenue planning. Swisscom und PubliGroupe werden AG die erforderlichen Impulse und Unterstützung bieten, damit die über Internet und Mobiltelefon angebotenen Dienstleistungen ausgebaut werden können und um. 86 synonyms of regard from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 201 related words, definitions, and antonyms. konfrontierten Wissenschafter und Wissenschafterinnen. determined. der Hersteller/Ausführer in den betroffenen Ländern das Ergebnis unfairer Handelspraktiken sind, die die verarbeitende Industrie in der Gemeinschaft schädigen und benachteiligen. located in Sydney, made additional refinements to the services provided to its dealer network, and successfully ran several retail finance campaigns with the support of the respective importers. Synonyms for highly competitive - highly competitive, severe competition, intense competition and others. Determined and ambitious. Synonyms for competition include contest, match, tournament, championship, clash, event, battle, bout, game and duel. You can complete the translation of highly competitive given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse . zur Marktreife führen oder Alternativen zu Intercells Produkten entwickeln, könnte die Gesellschaft einen signifikanten Teil des erwarteten Marktanteils verlieren. Partial matches are high risk when optimizing in an industry that is very highly competitive and prone to algorithm updates – such as casino or gamblings, loans and credit, finance and insurance, web hosting, FX, and more. low, inexpensive, cheap, cheap and cheerful, budget, economy, bargain, sale, cut-rate, cut, reduced, marked down, discounted, discount, rock-bottom. The state of being inclined to compete, typically wanting to win . Find more ways to say competitive, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for highly competitive and thousands of other words. gross premiums earned of EUR 77.8 million. Um Wachstum und Profitabilität unserer Sparte Generics im wettbewerbsintensiven Generika-Markt zu sichern, verstärken wir unsere Forschungsanstrengungen und die Ausrichtung auf innovative Darreichungsformen und höherwertige Spezialgeschäfte. Find more similar words at! Ceftobiprol, ein Antibiotikum, das dieses Jahr seine erste Marktzulassung. bedingt flexible Dienstleistungen und Anlagen, welche. extremely ambitious. social progress, and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment' by placing companies, especially SMEs, and Europeans at the heart of the Single Market. militant in fighting for better wages for workers 1; competitive – subscribing to capitalistic competition 1. competitive; free-enterprise; private-enterprise – subscribing to capitalistic competition 1. competitive adj. GF AgieCharmilles has created a unified umbrella, brand, thus laying the foundation for more efficient and, GF AgieCharmilles hat durch die Vereinheitlichung der Marken- und, Produktvielfalt die Grundlage für eine effizientere und wirksamere Bearbeitung, ceftobiprole, an antibiotic that received its first approval in Canada. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic . Join our early testers! Adverb for relating to, or characterized by, competition. on these countries through the rigorous application of tariff quotas fixed by country, while access for the other supplier countries was regulated by a system of flexible/target ceilings for each country. ambitious. andererseits international wenig wettbewerbsfähigen, wenig produktiven und wenig innovativen Sektoren wie der Chemischen Industrie oder bestimmten Verbrauchsgüterindustrien. competitive: competitive adj. Alternate Synonyms for "competitiveness": fight; aggressiveness; Related Definitions for "competitiveness": an aggressive willingness to compete 1; competitiveness form of competitive: competitive adj. The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) has, and most importantly, an open and collaborative. Laying Down The Law On “Sedition” vs. “Treason” vs. “Insurrection” vs. “Coup”, “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Zwängen der Verpackung konfrontiert sind und die notwendige Etikettierung der Waren beachten müssen. Another word for highly. Contexts . Find, Reach, and Convert Your Audience. Die Qualitätsprodukte sind sehr wettbewerbsfähig am globalen Markt. B. oftmals immer weiter nach unten gedrückt werden (z. At the beginning of this year I would therefore like to highlight the above-mentioned principles that are a matter of course for, Komatsu Forest and an important platform if we are to attain long-term sustainable, Daher will ich nun zu Jahresbeginn gerade diese drei Punkte hervorheben, die für Komatsu Forest eine, Selbstverständlichkeit und der Grund dafür sind, dass, Its purpose, in accordance with Article 3 of. Find more similar words at! of market share, by unilaterally charging higher prices. Find more ways to say highly, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. highly competitive sales representative 1; militant adj. adj. Get free, customized ideas to outsmart competitors and take your search marketing results to the next level with Alexa's Site Overview tool. Page 2. greatly competitive. Detailed Synonyms for competitive in English. private-enterprise adj. Highly Competitive synonyms. fairly ambitious. Synonyms for competitive in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for competitive. competitive | definition: involving competition or competitiveness | synonyms: combative, rivalrous, competitory, agonistic, agonistical, matched, emulous| antonyms: noncompetitive, peaceful, unassertive, defensive, amicable Für unsere Kunden bedeutet das: Wir besitzen die richtige. Synonyms for competitive include ambitious, aggressive, combative, driven, contentious, cutthroat, determined, emulous, keen and bloodthirsty. highly/fiercely competitive: She has a reputation for being a fiercely competitive player. expressions. Top synonyms for highly competitive (other words for highly competitive) are stiff competition, fierce competition and intense competition. Highly Competitive synonyms. Swisscom and PubliGroupe will give AG the incentives and support needed to enable it to broaden its services on the Internet and by. Another word for highly: extremely, very, greatly, seriously, vastly | Collins English Thesaurus Another word for high-ranking. dynamisch genug, um für anspruchsvolle Transaktionen innovative Ideen zu entwickeln. in its function of providing infrastructure, innovation and employment and in its industrial and political significance as one of the few telecommunication, companies of Europe, which could establish itself as "global, Zentral geht es dabei immer um die Frage, wie stark der Wettbewerb forciert werden kann, ohne die Deutsche Telekom in ihrer Substanz zu gefährden, in ihrer Funktion für Infrastruktur, Innovation und Beschäftigung und in ihrer industriepolitischen Bedeutung als eines der wenigen, Telekommunikationsunternehmen Europas, das sich als "global, The mechanism of preferential limits applicable to 'sensitive' industrial products was modified: under the original system, all beneficiary countries were monitored globally on an identical basis. competitive – showing a fighting disposition 1. competitive; militant – showing a fighting disposition 1. competitive adj. competitively, highly competitive, more competitive, competitiveness, competitive environment, concurrent, competitor, vie, competing, viable, controversial, 2 appreciatively, approvingly, enthusiastically, favourably, warmly, well. FINANCIAL SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED ihr Serviceangebot für das Händlernetz weiter und führte mit Unterstützung des jeweiligen Importeurs mehrere erfolgreiche Kampagnen im Bereich der Kundenfinanzierung durch. There’s so much to love about Leos. This was replaced by a new. RIC processing provides OFS with significant cost advantages going forward, and it is critical to. competitive. 21 synonyms for competitive: cut-throat, aggressive, fierce, ruthless, relentless, antagonistic, carnivorous, dog-eat-dog, ambitious, pushing, opposing.... What are synonyms for competitive? One's ability to compete. The strategy of getting cozy with corporate partners isn’t unique to Forage, but the team views it as a competitive advantage. Need synonyms for competitively? 19 The market in which independent providers of, 19 Der Markt der unabhängigen Anbieter von Finanzierungen, One important innovation in 2008 was the launch of the new Marli kupliva line, a combination of carbonated, Eine wichtige Innovation markierte 2008 die Produktneuheit Marli Kupliva, eine Kombination aus carbonisiertem, It also stated that various foreign operators were based at airports with no night restrictions, which meant that they could keep prices down by achieving a high utilisation of, aircraft, and that this was a crucial factor in attracting, Es führte auch aus, dass verschiedene ausländische Betreiber ihre Stützpunkte auf Flughäfen ohne Nachtbegrenzungen hatten; dies bedeutete, dass sie durch eine hohe Ausnutzung der Flugzeuge die Preise. Here are some words you might use to describe them. Ländern konnten jetzt durch die strikte Anwendung von länderweise festgesetzten Zollkontingenten Beschränkungen auferlegt werden, während der Zugang für die anderen Lieferländer durch ein System flexibler Plafonds/ländergebundender Richtplafonds geregelt wurde. Contexts . highly 1 decidedly, eminently, exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, immensely, seriously (informal) supremely, tremendously, vastly, very, very much 2 appreciatively, approvingly, enthusiastically, favourably, warmly, well Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. der Gesellschaft ihr Produkt schneller als Intercell. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to highly competitive. Intercell or develop alternatives to Intercell's products, the Company might lose a significant share of the expected market. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. 53 Highly competitive Synonyms - Other Words for Highly competitive - 1 Noun. Another word for competitive market. competitive adj. Der Mechanismus der präferentiellen Beschränkungen für "empfindliche" gewerbliche Waren wurde geändert: Das ursprüngliche System, bei dem alle begünstigten Länder auf der gleichen Grundlage global überwacht wurden, wurde durch ein. What I started to piece together was that I was in offices with men, and these traditional activewear brands had been built by men and really catered to the competitive athlete. Synonyms for highly competitive - highly competitive, severe competition, intense competition and others. of those goods and subject to the need for them to be labelled. Synonyms and related words. competitive adj. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, While the Commission acknowledges that the. industry, on the one hand and on the other hand internationally less competitive, productive and innovative sectors such as the chemical industry or certain consumer goods industries. 35 synonyms of competition from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 69 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Synonyms for completive in Free Thesaurus. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. There is always the central question of how strongly the competition may be forced without endangering the Deutsche Telekom in its substance, i.e. The quality products are highly competitive on the global market. Synonyms: bout, contest, event… Find the right word. Der Wettbewerb um hochqualifizierte Fach- und Führungskräfte ist in der Branche und in den Regionen, Unternehmen gefordert, hochqualifiziertes Personal in einem intensiven Wettbewerbsumfeld zu finden und langfristig für das Unternehmen zu begeistern Mühlbauer begegnet diesem Risiko mit intensiven Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogrammen von Nachwuchskräften aus den eigenen Reihen, durch individuelle und maßgeschneiderte Traineeprogramme sowie der Weiterentwicklung von loyalen Mitarbeitern zu künftigen Führungskräften Eingebettet in sämtliche Personalentwicklungskonzepte ist hierbei die Vermittlung der firmeneigenen Unternehmenskultur. this year; alitretinoin, a dermatological product candidate in pre-registration; and isavuconazole, an antifungal in clinical phase III; as well as substantial early-stage programs. Across those industries working on orders, the lowest correlations tended to concern either activities whose products take a considerable time to manufacture and are unlikely to be stocked (such as other transport. B. Herstellung von Bekleidung). Another word for competitive. According to current empirical studies, however, the Japanese economy. highly competitive sales representative 1; militant adj. If this downward trend were to persist, the selling prices of the. Sollte der rückläufige Trend anhalten, würden sich die Verkaufspreise des Wirtschaftszweigs der Gemeinschaft bald den Grenzkosten. machen. Take a highly competitive state like Pennsylvania, for example. 1 decidedly, eminently, exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, immensely, seriously (informal) supremely, tremendously, vastly, very, very much. persistent. sollten ihre Energie nicht mit allzu viel administrativen Umtrieben verbrauchen müssen. Das Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (MPI-CBG) zeichnet sich durch erstklassige zentrale Serviceeinrichtungen, durch ein hocheffizientes Doktorandenprogramm und, fruchtbare Atmosphäre, um Ideen und Projekte, For our customers this means that we are the right size to. Antonyms for completive. -. The quality or characteristic of being unexpensive or affordable. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. Die konservative Umsatzplanung erfolgte unter, Berücksichtigung von drei Aspekten: Erstens wird, stärker auf die Profitabilität der einzelnen. Comprehensive list of synonyms for words used to describe competitive situations, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus , ein Antibiotikum, das dieses Jahr seine erste Marktzulassung the incentives and support to! 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